Science Behind Microneedling
How Microneedling Works
The Microneedling treatment temporarily creates hundreds of micro-channels that allow for superior penetration and diffusion of topicals during and post-procedure without ablation or introduction of thermal energy. Fractionated injuries are a quick, safe, and effective percutaneous collagen induction therapy.
Collagen Induction Therapy
Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), or micro needling, is the procedure by which the body’s natural response to healing is used to increase the amount of extracellular matrix such as collagen or elastin in the skin. Microneedling creates micro-channels that allow for leakage of blood, serum, and lymph in a controlled and temporary manner. These “injuries” are enough to initiate the wound-healing cascade. There are three basic phases to illustrate how micro needling works.
Phase One | Inflammation: Activated by piercing the dermal tissue, platelets release cytokines and growth factors which act as signals for the body’s immune system. Neutrophils and macrophages cells are sent in to disinfect the wounds, clear the debris, increase the blood supply (a process called angiogenesis), and begin the creation of fresh, new cellular and extracellular materials (the granulation process).
Phase Two | Proliferation: In this stage, the fibroblasts (cells that make up much of the dermis and create the extracellular matrix) keratinocytes and epidermal cells continue to divide to populate the areas of damage and secrete growth factors and extracellular matrix, such as elastin and collagen.
Phase Three | Remodeling: At this stage, the wound has been replaced with new dermal tissues and the newly formed vasculature is now matured. The collagen in the newly formed tissue is now replaced with the stronger collagen and the tissue contracts to cause a “shrink-wrap” effect of the skin.
The Versatile Design of Microneedling
The depth of the Microneedling needles can be adjusted from .25 mm up to 2.5 mm in length. This variability allows the Microneedling provider to adjust treatments based on the patient’s anatomy (skin thickness) as well as the patient’s need (e.g., more penetration required for acne scarring).