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Weight Loss

weight loss

Metabolic Weight Loss and Appetite Suppressant

An appetite suppressant promotes Weight Loss OKC by tricking the body into believing that it is not hungry or that it is full. It decreases appetite and stimulates energy levels by increasing catecholamine – brain chemicals that affect mood and appetite.

Appetite Suppressants are not recommended for long-term use. It is important for patients who are enrolled in this program to learn new eating habits and to exercise while the medication is still effective. This new lifestyle can be continued after medical therapy, to keep losing weight and also keep the pounds from returning again.

Appetite Suppressant therapy can be combined with a Natural Supplement plan. The choice and duration of Appetite Suppressants are based on each patient’s unique needs and pre-existing conditions.

Dr. Hunnewell takes into consideration the latest trends in the use of these medications and offers these to appropriate patients.

Our Clinic provides everything you need to ensure that your Weight Loss OKC journey is successful.

The duration of our program depends on the amount of weight you need to lose. You are encouraged to continue healthy eating habits and regular exercise following the initial program to maintain your new weight.

H-MD Weight Management Program:

Med Weight loss can help you feel better about your mental and physical self. By achieving and maintaining a healthier weight, not only can you decrease the need for medications, you can get rid of some health risks and improve your quality of life.

This program begins with a complete body mass index, vital signs, lab testing and consultation to go over your medical history and lifestyle habits. With this abundance of information we can develop a customized program for each patient to achieve their greatest level of success.

Benefits of weight management program:

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