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Restylane® Treatment in Oklahoma City, OK

Restylane® Treatment in Oklahoma City, OK | H-MD Medical Spa

At H-MD Medical Spa in Oklahoma City, OK, we specialize in offering targeted treatments that can address a range of concerns from deep nasolabial folds to normal loss of volume. One treatment we provide is Restylane, a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler that can give you natural-looking results. Under the skilled hands of Dr. Jennie Hunnewell, you’ll experience a level of professionalism that aims for optimal aesthetic outcomes. To discuss your treatment options, you can reach out to us today.

What Is Restylane?

Restylane is a brand of injectable dermal fillers primarily used for cosmetic purposes, such as reducing facial wrinkles or enhancing lip volume. It is composed of hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the skin that helps to provide fullness and elasticity. Administered through a series of small injections, Restylane aims to rejuvenate the skin’s appearance by adding volume and smoothness, offering temporary but immediate results.

What Is Restylane Used For? 

Thinning or Hollow Cheeks

Restylane can add volume to areas of the face that may have lost their fullness over time, particularly the cheeks. By doing so, it gives your face a more balanced and youthful appearance.

Smile and Marionette Lines

These lines, often seen around the mouth and extending from the nose, can be softened and minimized with Restylane. This can leave you with smoother, more youthful-looking skin.

Thin or Asymmetrical Lips

With Restylane lip filler, it’s possible to enhance the size and symmetry of your lips. If you’re seeking more defined or fuller lips, this treatment can provide those results in a non-invasive way.

Aging Hands

Restylane injections aren’t just for the face; they can also be used to address the signs of aging on the hands. This includes reducing the appearance of veins and tendons, giving the hands a more youthful and smoother look.

Lip Lines

Fine lines that appear around the mouth, commonly known as “lipstick lines,” can be effectively treated with Restylane. The filler helps to smooth out these lines, offering a more polished appearance.

Weak Chin

For individuals looking to improve the projection of their chin without surgery, Restylane can be a good option. It can add volume and contour to the chin area, creating a more balanced facial profile.

Our Complete Line of Restylane Products

Restylane Contour

Restylane Contour is designed for cheek augmentation and correction of mid-face contour deficiencies. It offers a balanced approach to adding volume and definition to your facial features, making it an excellent option for those looking to achieve natural-looking results.

Restylane Defyne

When it comes to treating deep-set lines around the mouth and nose, Restylane filler, specifically Defyne, can offer a solution. It’s formulated to act naturally with your facial expressions, providing a smoother appearance without affecting your ability to show emotion.

Restylane Kysse

This Restylane lip filler aims to enhance the lip’s texture, color, and volume. Kysse is a go-to for those desiring fuller but natural-looking lips.


The original Restylane is a versatile product that can treat a wide range of issues, from fine lines to significant wrinkles and folds. It’s the foundational product from which other specialized versions have been developed.

Restylane – L

Restylane – L is the original formula but with added lidocaine. This makes the treatment more comfortable, reducing any potential discomfort during the injection process.

Restylane Lyft

Targeted for lifting and volumizing, Restylane Lyft is the product of choice for more dramatic, yet still natural-looking, enhancements. It is often used for the cheeks, as well as other areas that require a more robust filler.

Restylane Refyne

Restylane Refyne specializes in treating mild to moderate lines and wrinkles, especially those around the nose and mouth. It’s engineered to be flexible and supportive, allowing for natural facial expressions post-treatment.

Restylane Before and After Photos

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Restylane Injections

Which Restylane Product Is Right for Me?

Choosing the right Restylane injections often depends on the specific aesthetic concern you’re looking to address. For example, Restylane Lyft may be more suitable for adding volume to cheeks, while Restylane Kysse is tailored for lip enhancement. During your consultation at H-MD Medical Spa, we’ll discuss your goals and recommend the most suitable Restylane product for you.

How Long Does Restylane Last?

The longevity of Restylane results can vary depending on the specific product used and the area treated. Generally, results can last from six to 18 months. Maintenance treatments may be necessary to preserve the effects for an extended period.

Are Restylane Results Permanent?

No, Restylane treatment results are not permanent. The hyaluronic acid in Restylane is gradually broken down by the body over time. To maintain your results, periodic touch-up treatments may be recommended.

What Can I Expect From My Restylane Treatment?

When you receive a Restylane filler treatment, you can generally expect a quick treatment, often completed within 30 minutes, depending on the area being treated. The area can have some swelling for a few days, but then you’ll be able to see the final results. 

Restylane Injections for a More Youthful You

Restylane is a simple treatment that is easy to maintain and can restore youthfulness to your appearance. For more personalized information, we would love to have a consultation with you at H-MD Medical Spa in Oklahoma City, OK. You can reach us at (405) 463-5700 or fill out an online form to discuss any additional questions you may have.

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