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How Long Do Endermologie Results Last?

Cellulite can be a frustrating aesthetic concern. Sometimes associated with aging, this skin condition can also develop as a result of being overweight or as a byproduct of pregnancy. Women are far more likely to develop cellulite, but treating this condition with at-home topical products isn’t very effective. Luckily, at H-MD Medical Spa in Oklahoma City, OK, we know that a tried-and-true cellulite treatment like Endermologie can help you smooth away unwanted “dimples” on the body.

How Long Do Endermologie Results Last?

The results of Endermologie will typically last for about six months at a time. Of course, the longevity of your results may be determined by the severity of your cellulite concerns and how well you can take steps to prevent new cellulite formation. However, there is no single cellulite treatment that can produce permanent results because of the way cellulite develops.

The reason women are far more likely to develop cellulite is because of the difference in the pattern of connective fibers between the skin and underlying fat found in male and female bodies. Because women have a crisscross design for these fibrous tissues, it’s much easier for cellulite dimples to form when collagen depletes in the skin as a result of aging, or when fat accumulates under the skin because of weight gain.

Can You Prevent Cellulite From Developing?

Cellulite is a natural, benign skin condition that typically isn’t linked to any health concerns. But like other aesthetic concerns, you may be motivated to find ways to prevent cellulite from developing in the future, particularly if you want to enjoy longer-lasting results. Similarly to other aesthetic concerns, there may be very little you can do to prevent the development of new cellulite because of your individual biology.

However, in addition to using aesthetic treatments such as Endermologie, there are some natural things you can do to minimize cellulite severity. Exercising often to tone the muscles and keep the skin tight is crucial to delaying the development of cellulite in the future. You may also want to invest in skincare products such as retinol body wash or collagen-boosting body lotion to maintain your desired appearance.

How Does Endermologie Work?

This treatment is essentially a form of deep tissue massage that stimulates the production of collagen in the skin to reduce cellulite appearance. This non-invasive treatment combines suction and vibrating deep tissue rollers that work with the lymphatic system to reduce fluid retention, break up fat, and activate natural rejuvenation. Your appointments will usually last for about 15 to 30 minutes.

Where Can You Use This Treatment?

Because this treatment is a more natural approach to reducing the parents of cellulite and tightening the skin, it can be used on virtually every area of the body. However, the most common areas for treatment include the flanks, buttocks, and thighs. If you are experiencing cellulite and underarm region, you may also be able to use the treatment in that location.

What Are the Benefits of This Treatment?

This treatment is one of the oldest aesthetic treatments for cellulite reduction. This treatment has been approved for cellular production since the 1980s, making it one of the most trusted methods of treatment. This treatment is also significantly more affordable than other cellulite treatments.

There are several other attractive benefits of this cellulite reduction treatment. One advantage of the treatment is that it uses the body’s natural processes to reduce cellulite, which may be preferable for patients who do not want to use other cellulite treatments that involve injections or surgery. This treatment is also non-invasive, and it does not require any significant downtime, which means it can be worked into even the busiest daily schedule.

How Many Treatments Do You Need?

Because this treatment works by gradually stimulating collagen production and breaking up fat through the lymphatic drainage system of the body, it will typically require several treatments to achieve optimal results. The average patient will need at least 12 to 16 treatments to see the best results. Usually, these treatments are scheduled one to two times a week until cellulite appearance reduces. You may need to schedule touch-up appointments every few months to maintain desired results.

What Can You Expect From This Treatment?

This treatment is quick and painless. Most patients compare this treatment to a deep tissue massage, and many patients find this treatment very relaxing. The firmness of the vibrating rolling massage can also help with athletic recovery, since this treatment method can release muscle tension and pain. During your treatment, you will wear a bodysuit or other garment to protect your skin from the massage tool.

How Should You Prepare for This Treatment?

To prepare for this treatment, you will need to prime your body for fluid drainage by drinking plenty of water. This is similar to the preparation guidelines you should follow before any other deep tissue massage.

For patients who are taking blood-thinning supplements or medications, including over-the-counter medications like aspirin and Ibuprofen, you may want to discontinue using these medications for several days before your treatment. You should also avoid drinking alcohol and using tobacco products before treatment.

What Should You Do After This Treatment?

After this treatment, you will be able to go back to work or resume your normal daily activities, including exercise. To optimize your results, it’s best to stay hydrated by drinking enough water for an adult of your age and weight range, since drinking enough water can be essential for lymphatic drainage. Gentle stretching and exercise such as walking can also be beneficial after your appointment.

Is This Treatment Better Than Other Cellulite Treatments?

There are several other aesthetic treatments that can be used to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Some injectable treatments break up the tension in the fibrous bands that connect the skin to the underlying layers of muscle and fat, while laser treatments can stimulate enough collagen production in the skin to mask the appearance of cellulite.

However, if you want to get the best results, it’s best to break up fatty deposits beneath the skin and drain fluid retention. Many patients find this particular cellulite treatment to be more effective than other treatment options.

Can You Use This Treatment After Body Contouring Treatments or Procedures?

Using this treatment after other body contouring treatments or fat reduction surgical procedures can enhance your overall results. It’s very common to use this treatment to smooth out and tighten the skin after procedures such as liposuction, particularly because some liposuction can produce uneven results.

This treatment can be paired with non-invasive fat reduction treatments, such as CoolSculpting as well. By pairing this treatment with other body sculpting treatments, you can enhance and maintain your results. Scheduling this treatment during your recovery after another body contouring or body shaping treatment can make your results develop faster as well.

Are You an Ideal Candidate?

This is an ideal treatment for the vast majority of patients who want to reduce the appearance of cellulite. The perfect candidates are people who are at a healthy body weight and want to reduce cellulite in the middle and lower body, as well as people who want to reduce cellulite that has developed as a result of the aging process. For women who have recently given birth, this treatment can be used to restore a pre-pregnancy body.

Can This Treatment Help With Weight Loss?

It’s very unlikely that this treatment will help with any weight loss goals. Unlike some other treatments that reduce cellulite, this treatment does not remove any fat from the body, which means you will not lose any significant weight. However, because this treatment does help reduce bloating and water retention, it’s possible that lymphatic drainage will reduce some water weight in the body.

For some people, water weight can equal as much as five to 10 pounds, particularly women who are in the middle of a menstruation cycle. You can prolong the results of water weight reduction by drinking enough water each day, reducing sodium in the diet, and exercising regularly.

Smooth Away Unwanted Cellulite With Endermologie Treatments

Cellulite can make anyone feel self-conscious about their appearance, particularly people who have tried many other remedies for cellulite reduction. However, if you want to get fast and long-lasting results, a treatment such as Endermologie is an ideal option. This treatment leverages the power of your body’s lymphatic drainage process to get rid of excess water and break up fatty tissue. To schedule your initial consultation, contact H-MD Medical Spa in Oklahoma City, OK, today.

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