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Correcting the Appearance of Cellulite with Endermologie Treatment


Cellulite is something many women, but also men, are quite familiar with. It’s that “cottage cheese” or dimpling effect in the skin that can occur for various reasons, including weight gain, childbirth or simply due to a growth spurt. While it’s a common occurrence to which many can relate, the majority of those who have cellulite would love to see it gone. This skin issue can cause a great deal of insecurity or embarrassment. You may have heard there’s nothing that can be done about this pesky problem. Fortunately, there is a solution that can help to lessen the look of lumpy skin. Learn more about correcting the appearance of cellulite with Endermologie treatment and whether this innovative procedure may be right for you.

About Endermologie

Endermologie is a skin rejuvenating treatment that smooths the appearance of annoying cellulite and helps to provide a sleeker body contour. The procedure is actually approved by the FDA to lessen the look of cellulite, so you know it’s safe. This treatment was first developed in France, where it remains quite popular. It’s also now become a mainstream cosmetic procedure in the United States.

How It Works

Endermologie uses hand-held rollers and suctions to provide a deep massaging action to the lower levels of the skin. The effects of this treatment are increased circulation, restored collagen production, removal of toxin buildup, lessening of abnormal water retention and the stretching of connective fibers. All of this combines to provide a smoother body contour with less skin dimpling and pocking. Our practitioner will provide you with an individualized treatment plan with regard to follow-up and maintenance sessions in order to ensure your skin continues to look smooth, polished and firm.

What to Expect

While there are some parts of the body that are more sensitive than others and each individual experiences sensation differently, Endermologie is a relatively comfortable treatment. There is pressure and suction involved. Many clients compare the feeling to a massage and find it rather relaxing. The process involved stimulates the lymphatic system, ridding the body of various toxins and fluids, along with fat deposits. Keeping yourself hydrated with a great deal of water intake and maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen will help to improve your results.

As you can see, Endermologie at H-MD Medical Spa has the potential to provide you with dramatic results over time. It’s a convenient treatment for the reduction of dreaded cellulite that provides a number of additional internal benefits. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Oklahoma City!

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