In recent years, the field of regenerative medicine has revolutionized beauty treatments. We can now reduce the signs of aging and restore thick hair without operations or chemicals. Instead, we use components derived from the patient’s blood to stimulate the natural healing process. Read on to find out how we use PRP injections to treat cosmetic issues at H-MD Medical Spa in Oklahoma City, OK.
What Can Be Treated With PRP Injections?
Platelet-rich plasma is a substance that comes from the patient’s blood. The high concentration of platelets stimulates the production of new cells, so the treatment area is rejuvenated and repaired. Traditionally, PRP was used to help injured athletes get back to their sport more quickly. The substance can be injected into joints, where it speeds up the repair of soft tissue.
At the clinic, we focus on cosmetic issues. We mainly use PRP to address hair loss. However, we can also help patients reduce the appearance of wrinkles and get rid of sagging skin with PRP. Some people swear by this method because it doesn’t involve the use of harsh chemicals, and the results are extremely long-lasting.
Hair Restoration with PRP
Hair restoration is difficult. In the past, the only option was a hair transplant. This involves moving existing hair follicles to the affected area. It’s an invasive treatment, and it’s only suitable for people who already have bald spots. PRP for hair restoration is a much gentler approach that works for those who still have functioning hair follicles in the treatment area.
It involves injecting the PRP substance into the scalp, where the platelets rejuvenate the follicles and promote the growth of new hair. This method only takes a few minutes, and patients don’t have to spend a lot of time recovering from their session. Because the treatment area is covered up by the hair, it is almost invisible. Many people go straight back to work after their appointment.
Expected Results
Platelet-rich plasma doesn’t produce instantaneous results. If you want to look your best for an event, visit the clinic at least three to six months beforehand to make sure you experience the changes you desire. We usually recommend between three and six appointments for best results. You might come to the clinic once a month, and each treatment takes approximately 30-45 minutes.
After your session, the platelets release growth factors and stimulate the production of healthy cells on your scalp. As a result, your hair thickens and grows more quickly. It takes several weeks for you to see the first results, and you won’t know the outcome of treatment until two to three months after your final session.
How Often Do I Need To Come to the Clinic?
Not all hair follicles are in the growth stage at any one point. That’s why a single PRP injection might make a difference, but it won’t lead to long-lasting results. When you first come to the clinic, we’ll draw up a treatment plan. You might need an injection once a month for three to six months, depending on the current condition of your hair, your goals, and your general health.
Once you’ve completed the first course of treatment, you might not need to come back for a year or two, particularly if you take good care of your body. The most successful patients are those who don’t expose their scalps to UV rays, eat a healthy diet that contains plenty of nutrients, and hydrate regularly. People who don’t smoke and avoid drinking too much alcohol are likely to see more long-lasting results than those who regularly ingest harmful substances.
Who Is a Good Candidate?
We can treat both men and women who have started to notice hair loss. The best candidates are those losing their hair due to stress or the natural aging process. Sometimes, we also work with people who have undergone treatment for a disease like cancer. The earlier you come to the clinic, the more effective your PRP treatment will be.
We can’t work with patients who no longer have any functional hair follicles in the treatment area. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding aren’t eligible because there isn’t enough evidence that PRP is safe for them. Patients who currently have an infection at the treatment site or a fever have to postpone their sessions until they have recovered.
Anti Aging with PRP
Most of our patients come to see us because they are worried about the aging process. They might have noticed the first wrinkles, sagging skin, small marks, and blemishes. We offer a wide range of anti-aging treatments. PRP injections are ideal for people who want completely natural results and are worried about injecting chemicals under their skin.
Because this treatment is based on a natural substance, it doesn’t cause side effects or allergic reactions. Almost everyone is a good candidate, even people who have minor or moderate health concerns. The results of anti-aging PRP are very long-lasting, so the method is suitable for people who lead a busy lifestyle and don’t want to come to the clinic every few months.
Expected Results
Once the platelets have been injected under the skin, they stimulate the removal of old cells and promote the production of healthy tissues. As a result, patients notice fewer wrinkles, smoother skin, and fewer blemishes. Scars caused by acne, chickenpox, and minor injuries can be removed with PRP. It takes up to three months for the final results to become visible.
If you’re getting PRP because you have a scar or blemish, it’s likely that your results will be permanent. You won’t have to come back to the clinic for another session. However, anti-aging PRP is a temporary solution because the aging process doesn’t stop. Patients have to come back for maintenance sessions once a year or once every two years to prevent the formation of more wrinkles.
Who Is a Good Candidate?
Like most of our other methods, anti-aging PRP is a minimally invasive treatment, so it’s suitable for almost everyone. We usually recommend this injectable to people who don’t have a lot of experience with cosmetic treatments or are worried about injecting a chemical under their skin. It is also great for patients who can’t take part in some of our other methods because they are allergic to certain ingredients.
PRP is appropriate for people of all ages, but it works best on those who don’t yet have deep lines and pronounced wrinkles. The earlier a patient starts coming to the clinic, the more likely they are to see the desired results in the long term. It’s best to have PRP injections at least once a year.
Combining Treatment Methods
Finding a suitable treatment for hair loss is difficult, and PRP is one of the few options. However, there are dozens of anti-aging treatments available, and PRP is just one of them. To help our patients achieve the best results possible, we often combine several of our minimally invasive treatments.
Microneedling is a very similar method that involves making tiny pricks in the skin to stimulate the body’s healing process. It is often used in combination with PRP because both therapies are safe and don’t involve harsh chemicals. Another great option that can easily be combined with PRP is the HydraFacial. This treatment rejuvenates the face and helps patients to get rid of blackheads and other impurities.
Why Use PRP?
One of the biggest reasons why people often request PRP is that it is completely safe. As mentioned, hair loss is hard to treat, and there are limited options available. In the past, people who experienced thinning hair were often told to wait until they were bald because they weren’t yet eligible for a hair transplant. PRP is an excellent solution for these people because they don’t have to wait for several years.
It is also a great option for busy people because the recovery process is so quick. Many of our patients come to see us during their lunch break and resume their regular routine straight away.
Restore Your Youthful Appearance with PRP
PRP injections are often used to treat hair loss, but they can also tighten and rejuvenate facial features. We often use this treatment together with microneedling, a chemical peel, or dermal fillers to enhance the patient’s appearance. Get in touch with us at H-MD Medical Spa in Oklahoma City, OK to find out more about our minimally invasive methods. We’ll be happy to put together a custom treatment plan for you.