You do your best to take care of yourself. You go to the doctor for your regular visits. You eat the right kinds of foods and make sure you get regular exercise. You sleep well and drink your water. In spite of all these efforts, you are experiencing problems in a very sensitive area. You’re struggling with uncomfortable symptoms that are affecting your vagina. Your troubles include dryness, irritation and a sensation of looseness. At times, you even feel a burning sensation and pressure that makes you think you have a urinary tract infection. When you go to the doctor, you are told that all your issues stem from a hormonal imbalance. It’s so discouraging. Fortunately, convenient vaginal rejuvenation is possible with the Lumenis® FemTouch™.
How Can the Lumenis® FemTouch™ Provide Vaginal Rejuvenation?
The symptoms that you are experiencing are common and often affect women as they approach menopause. You may experience similar issues after childbirth or even when menopause sets in. When it comes to menopause, your reproductive hormones are decreasing as your reproductive system gets ready to shut down. This decrease in hormones, especially estrogen, can really give you trouble.
It’s not something that you can fix on your own. The FemTouch™ is an innovative treatment that can bring you relief in the form of vaginal rejuvenation. It involves the use of an extremely gentle CO2 laser. The laser light is applied to the tissue of your vagina. The end result is a stimulation of healthy circulation and collagen production and the development of new, healthy tissue in this delicate area of your body.
What Can I Expect with FemTouch™ Vaginal Rejuvenation?
Your treatments are brief and performed on an outpatient basis. They are gentle and comfortable as you feel a warm sensation in a part of the body that is extremely sensitive. Expect to come in for two to four sessions.
In a short amount of time after your sessions, you will begin to notice the difference. Expect improved lubrication and relief from your discomfort. You can get rid of that burning sensation that has been so aggravating. Enjoy more intimacy in the bedroom when you feel better. When you turn to the FemTouch™ for vaginal rejuvenation, you can combat the hormonal changes in your body. You deserve to feel like yourself again. The FemTouch™ can help.
Learn More About Vaginal Rejuvenation with the FemTouch™
Before you have a FemTouch™ treatment, you should first visit our specialist for a consultation. It is important to get to the root of your vaginal problems. You want to rule out any underlying conditions that could be causing your discomfort. If your issues are related to hormonal changes or healing after childbirth, vaginal rejuvenation with the FemTouch™ could be right for you.
If you are in the OKC area and interested in finding out how this exciting treatment can provide you with vaginal rejuvenation, the trusted experts at H-MD Medical Spa can help. Contact our office in Oklahoma City to learn more.